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  2. Theme Setup

Theme Setup

Theming with CSS Variables

Using CLI

Follow these steps to set up the PaceUI theme in your existing project or create a new one using shadcn's CLI

Setup for PaceUI

It will add useful dependencies, extra variables, and a default theme to your CSS file.

Change default color

You can choose from various base colors: gray, slate, zinc, or neutral (Neutral is the default color applied by the CLI).

Change primary color

You can choose from various primary (pre-defined by PaceUI) colors: blue, purple, green, teal, orange or rose (Blue is the default color applied by the CLI).


Here are the steps to set up the PaceUI theme in your existing project:

Add tailwind color config to @theme layer, if you haven't added

Here's app.css file looks like:


Adding color values for those variables

Add the following to your app.css file to set neutral as the base color and blue as the brand color.


Change default color

Update the following variables to your app.css file:


Change primary color

Update the following variables to your styles/globals.css file:
